Automatically re-notify customers on previous waitlists (Auto Resend)
Auto Resend, Stoq app's latest feature, is designed to help you sell out products faster and give your customers a better experience. Traditionally, customers notified of a restocked item must sign up again to receive further alerts if they don’t purchase. Auto Resend eliminates this need by automatically keeping customers on the waitlist for future notifications until they make a purchase.
When you restock a product, Stoq app will first notify all customers in the current waitlist (also known as 'Requests waiting').
Next, Auto Resend will automatically resend back in stock alerts to customers from previous waitlists.
Customers that will be re-notified are picked up based on filters; this ensures that you are only notifying customers that are still interested in the product.
In addition to only sending to customers that haven't placed an order, you can set up engagement and notification filters like 1) the number of alerts they've received so far, 2) if they've clicked the link in email or SMS or 3) when they received their last back in stock alert.
Auto Resend may increase your plan's notification usage, so we've added a limited setting to help with that too. This is a beta feature, and we will continue iterating until we have an excellent and helpful feature.
Head to 'Back in stock alerts' from left menu bar of the app.
Click on 'Auto resend' from the menu bar.
Click 'Turn on' beside Auto Resend to enable this feature
After enabling Auto Resend, set up your filters to re-send notifications to customers strategically.
No Order Placed: The feature is specifically designed to resend notifications to customers who have not yet made a purchase.
Engagement with Notifications:
Email & SMS - Clicked the Restock Link: Only re-send notifications to customers that clicked on the purchase link in email or SMS. (Recommended)
Email - Opened & Clicked: Only re-send to customers that opened and clicked the link in email
Email - Clicked Only: Only re-send to customers that clicked the link in email
SMS - Clicked Only: Only re-send to customers that clicked the link in the SMS
Last alert received: Only re-send notifications to customers that received their last notification X days ago. (We recommend 30 days)
Total alerts: Re-send notifications to customers that received less than the total number configured. (We recommend 4 total alerts)
Alerts per unit restocked: You can limit the number of notifications sent based on the number of units restocked. For example - if you set the number of alerts per unit restocked to 10, Auto Resend will send 100 notifications if 10 units are added to inventory (10*10)
Give customers at least 30 days before sending another back in stock alert by setting the Last alert received to 30 days. Otherwise, your unsubscribe rate may increase.
Set an engagement filter, like clicks or opens. If a filter is not selected, Auto Resend will send alerts to all customers that got the previous back in stock alert. This will significantly increase plan usage.
Do not send more than 3 back in stock alerts for a signup. The maximum system limit is 5, but we recommend setting Total alerts to 3 to avoid increasing the unsubscribe rate.
Need help with settings? Chat with us via Support widget!
How it works
When you restock a product, Stoq app will first notify all customers in the current waitlist (also known as 'Requests waiting').
Next, Auto Resend will automatically resend back in stock alerts to customers from previous waitlists.
Customers that will be re-notified are picked up based on filters; this ensures that you are only notifying customers that are still interested in the product.
In addition to only sending to customers that haven't placed an order, you can set up engagement and notification filters like 1) the number of alerts they've received so far, 2) if they've clicked the link in email or SMS or 3) when they received their last back in stock alert.
Auto Resend may increase your plan's notification usage, so we've added a limited setting to help with that too. This is a beta feature, and we will continue iterating until we have an excellent and helpful feature.
How to enable Auto resend
Head to 'Back in stock alerts' from left menu bar of the app.
Click on 'Auto resend' from the menu bar.
Click 'Turn on' beside Auto Resend to enable this feature
Set up filters
After enabling Auto Resend, set up your filters to re-send notifications to customers strategically.
No Order Placed: The feature is specifically designed to resend notifications to customers who have not yet made a purchase.
Engagement with Notifications:
Email & SMS - Clicked the Restock Link: Only re-send notifications to customers that clicked on the purchase link in email or SMS. (Recommended)
Email - Opened & Clicked: Only re-send to customers that opened and clicked the link in email
Email - Clicked Only: Only re-send to customers that clicked the link in email
SMS - Clicked Only: Only re-send to customers that clicked the link in the SMS
Last alert received: Only re-send notifications to customers that received their last notification X days ago. (We recommend 30 days)
Total alerts: Re-send notifications to customers that received less than the total number configured. (We recommend 4 total alerts)
Alerts per unit restocked: You can limit the number of notifications sent based on the number of units restocked. For example - if you set the number of alerts per unit restocked to 10, Auto Resend will send 100 notifications if 10 units are added to inventory (10*10)
Give customers at least 30 days before sending another back in stock alert by setting the Last alert received to 30 days. Otherwise, your unsubscribe rate may increase.
Set an engagement filter, like clicks or opens. If a filter is not selected, Auto Resend will send alerts to all customers that got the previous back in stock alert. This will significantly increase plan usage.
Do not send more than 3 back in stock alerts for a signup. The maximum system limit is 5, but we recommend setting Total alerts to 3 to avoid increasing the unsubscribe rate.
Need help with settings? Chat with us via Support widget!
Updated on: 02/09/2024
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